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Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, April 29, 2011

IT'S A...

boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy BOY! boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy

We couldn't be more excited and are praising God that we got an amazing look at our son during the ultrasound yesterday.  

Highlights of that for me were:

1. Hearing and seeing the heartbeat and all four chambers

2. Seeing both hemispheres of his brain

3. Watching baby boy move around as I felt his little punches and kicks

4. Seeing his cute little profile and face when he turned at looked straight at us in the camera :) 

5. Seeing all five fingers open on one of his hands

6. Seeing some of his tiny bones and ribs the entire experience was amazing.  I told the ultrasound technician I'm pretty sure I could stay there all day and watch our little guy move around.  I can't wait to interact with this little boy and be able to love on him and look in his eyes and kiss his cheeks and feel his little fingers and toes!!!  I decided that I didn't want to hear what the gender was in the doctor's office (I knew I would need to jump around and squeal and be giddy and Dave would not like that in public ;)) So, I told him to come up with some way to surprise me with the news.  We would be happy either way, but it was exciting for me to think about this being his little secret for the rest of the day.  This is what he came home with:

So...he did a good job :)

I can't wait for this mini-Dave to arrive!


  1. Yay for boys! That ultrasound is an incredible moment... glad you had such a cooperative little guy!

  2. What a sweet post! That is soooo exciting! I can not wait to meet your little man :)
