Cameron's growth

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Seven wonders of Cameron's world

Here's a short list of seven wondrous things about Cameron at this fun age of seven (and a half) months:

1.  I really enjoy how it sounds like he's actually saying words sometimes.  I took this video for Dave last week and was surprised and thoroughly amused when I heard him say what sounded like the word "kisses".  We often say this as we're covering his sweet cheeks and belly with them throughout the day.

2.  The way he snuggles his face into Dave's or my shoulder as if he's giving a hug :)

(obviously he isn't snuggling on our shoulder in this picture, but it looks like a hug nonetheless :))

3.  How he likes to play with people's faces as he examines their different features (nose, mouth, rough beard or smooth skin) and how he plays with my hair (although he gets a little rough tugging at it like a toy sometimes!)

Upon examining someone's face, he often times sticks his hands in their mouth.  Aunt Ashley was a good sport!

4.  His easygoing temperament.  Most of the time he is a happy guy and likes a good mix of activity and time chillin' by himself.  He is generally content whether being held or carried around, laying down playing, bouncing around, going for a stroller ride or quietly relaxing in his crib.  

Strolling with Tigger from Uncle Jeff & Aunt Katy's recent trip to Disney!

Snoozing in the church nursery

5.  It melts my heart how he's able to recognize mommy and daddy and can find certain objects when asked.  i.e. "Where's Chewy? (He'll scan the floor or if she's recently passed by, he'll know which direction to look.) "Where's Wolfy?" (His NC State Pillow Pet...he knows where this sits on the dresser in his room and will crane his neck on the changing table to find his buddy.)  "Where's mommy's hat?" (He'll grab at it and try to take it off), "Where's the fan?" or "Where's the light?" (He'll look up if we've recently pointed it out.)  Oh, and I love how his face lights up when I give him a favorite toy (almost anything that makes music) or when I ask if he wants to sing.  A guaranteed smile comes when he hears "Row, row, row your boat".  

He also recognizes my phone and knows when I want to capture one of his many sweet faces :)

6.  I'm impressed at how quickly he's learned to balance himself which allows him to now sit steadily on his own.  If I'm leaving the room I'll put the Boppie behind him, but he seems to have a strong little torso and will often reach around for a particular toy he's interested in.  

7.   The happy faces I am blessed to see every day:

See the TEETH?!

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