Cameron's growth

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Lewisville Easter Weekend

Last Wednesday Dave and I packed up and prepared for Cameron's first long car trip to spend Easter in my Louisville hometown with my parents & brother + sister-in-law.  We left just after 3p.m. in the hopes that Cam would nap, then be awake for a couple hours, and then sleep for whatever was left of the 9 hour trip and I'm happy to report that he did just that!  He was a really good boy and I had fun sitting in the back entertaining him while daddy drove most of the way.

Thursday was spent settling in and enjoying time with Nana and Pop-E after they got off work early.  Dave and I were able to enjoy a special kid-free double date night with Tara and Ben while the grandparents got a shot at babysitting and putting the little ones to bed.  I wasn't sure how Cameron would adapt to this new and different environment, but he made it easy and slept well the whole visit...thankful for that!  Jeff and Katy got in town late that night, so it was a treat to wake up Friday morning and spend the entire day as a family, lounging around, grazing on food, playing with Cameron...and, if I'm being honest, with all our iPhones and iPads.  Oh, technology :)  Enjoy the following collage of pics from the first two days of our trip!

Hunger Games :) 

Look at those teeth!

The plan for Saturday was to have as many friends as we could fill my parent's house for a barbecue and that we did!  We were blessed with beautiful sunny skies and mild temps that allowed us to sit, eat, and play outside.  THANKS AGAIN TO EVERYONE WHO CAME TO VISIT!  These friends are a great blessing and I cherish any time spent with them!

Bocce ball

Kyle & Tommy

Chel, Tim (& baby!)

Mr. and Mrs. Chesser

Love these women


Friends since childhood: Jeff + me + Tara + Tyler and our growing families 

Preggie mamas

Can't hardly wait to meet these babies!


Oh Graeter's, how I love thee


Conjoined twinsies

My dad, the chef :)

Shewwwie!  30+ pictures down and a few more to go until I'm done recapping this memorable weekend! (Can you tell I had fun playing with my new camera?)

Last, but certainly not least, Cameron experienced his first Easter (sleeping through most of the service :)) at Southeast Christian Church.  We were reminded of the hope that is available through the RISEN Christ, not only for all of eternity, but also for our present life here on Earth.  Because He paid the penalty for our sin AND defeated death, we can look forward to the day when there will be NO MORE tears, suffering, mourning, pain, death, destruction, sin, or hatred--that is GOOD NEWS!!  We can also look to Him to help us through whatever comes our way each and every day.  Truthfully, I didn't walk away from the church service being hit by the goodness of the message, but God graciously reminded me of this the other day when I was feeling discouraged about my roles as a wife, mother, homemaker, and all-around Christian.  I'm trying to hold close this truth as I realize how dependent I am on the joy, strength, and grace it takes to be all God has called me to be.  I resting in the knowledge that "He who began a good work in (me) will carry it on to completion" (Philippians 1:6).  AND finally, I'm trying not to get caught in the trap of constant comparison and sometimes envy of others! Check out this post to get a better idea of what I'm talking about.

So, all in all, it was truly a special weekend with friends and family and remembering again the amazing power and hope given by God through His Son.  I hope yours was the same!! I'll leave you some of the last pictures from our trip:

Easter basket from Nana and Pop-E

"Christ the Lord is risen today, Aaaalleeeluuuuiiaaaa"

Uncle Jeff :)

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